Update from SC: EB's loathing of travel
Monday morning EB was officially given feet free status for twelve hours a day. YEAH!!! She loves it - but when shoes time comes at night, EB and her mommy both have a really hard time. EB has cried herself to sleep two nights in a row, and her mommy isn't much better. I guess sweet EB will adjust to this phase the same way she did the casts and the shoes all of the time, but my heart is breaking for her at night. 4 years of this! Tonight she actually threw up when I went to put the shoes on - I am teary-eyed even typing this! The evening agony aside, her feet are perfect now and the nighttime shoe wearing is just for maintenance. She is so blessed to have the option of getting her feet fixed, and whether she choses ballet or basketball, her feet will serve her well!
Today EB has been fairly fussy off and on all day. (Not to mention her very vocal protests all the way home yesterday). Maybe this is because she is teething? Maybe this is because everything is unfamiliar? Or is this because she is a little off kilter from driving all day yesterday? I do not know why, but my normally sweet, amiable, non-fussy little angel has become a totally different baby the past two days. Goodness gracious! I am considering never leaving the house again - or is this a normal part of a baby's life that she needs to learn to deal with (and that I need to learn to deal with)?

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