How does a 3 and half month old entertain herself? Well, EB spends hours on end rolling over and scooting. Even as I write this she is throwing her feet back and forth talking up a storm. Every now and then she rolls all the way over on her tummy - but she is very unhappy when that happens.
7 days until the shoes come off!!! Yeah for EB!!!!
EB and I spent the day out and about yesterday at a coffee shop in Louisville. Please don't think I am stupid, but does anyone have suggestions on going out and about with bottles? According to the directions, it seems impossible. Someone enlighten me on how to travel with bottles without poisoning my baby. Right now we just mix it on the spot, but I know that will not always be possible.

Labels: What EB Does All Day..
i can't wait for her to get her shoes off!! :)
i don't have kids, and i don't know if this is the kind of bottle eb takes, but do you know about these? -- moms for the nursery will usually send a bottle of water and then we dump one of these in there and shake it up. voila! (and i think, why didn't i invent this?)
hmmm...the water is never warm for us in nursery. they are like "just pour this in a shake it..." and it's just a room temperature bottle. i don't know if it matters for different kids're not a stupid mom!! no one says you have to automatically know everything just b/c you birthed a child!! hah!
Hey there! I'm a friend of Blairs so I hope you don't mind me commenting. :) But I always had room temperature bottle of water with us. I would put the formula in the bottle and mix it right there when we needed it. I always gave mine room tmeperature water so they didn't need it warm. But if you do need it warm you can usually find a cup of hot water to warm it up in.
Also, I don't know what kind of formula you use but you could always buy a can of the premaid formula for when you are out. Just throw it in the diaper bag and off you go. I'm sure you figure out what works for you two.
Oh and your little girl is soo precious!!! Good luck with everything!
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