The pictures of EB in this little dress have a bit of a history - A few decades ago there was a "little boy" about to be born to Keith and Jane Hardin. On that fateful day of March 7th along came Jeni (the little boy) so her Grandmother "Nana" immediately ran out to Belk's and bought a dainty pink dress and some pretty little shoes. (ok - back up it was a little boy? well 20 something years ago there were no ultrasounds. Doctors just guessed based upon the way the mother walked what the mother was carrying.)
Well about 6 months ago when we discovered that we were going to have a girl it was recalled that there was this little dress, so on 2-25-08 EB got to come home in her mommy's dress.
If you could have only been a fly on the wall those few days in the hospital and could have heard the conversations of the Grandmothers – “she looks like _________ I will get the pictures out and we can see” - well regardless if I had hair of if Jeni didn't. If the lips are curved more like this or that la la
Several of you are aware that we are staying in the states a bit longer than we had thought because EB's little feet were turned inward. We will be meeting with a doctor this Thursday 3-6-08 just after lunch to discover what will be needed to see that they will straighten out like they should so she can run and play when she gets a bit older. Jeni and I are so grateful to have such an amazing little girl who is so healthy and happy - she has been sleeping GREAT and eating farely well, although mommy wishes the feeding would come a bit easier some times. All this said, things are going great in the Wright family's household – we love our baby girl so much and we are so thankful to have her as a part of our lives!!!
She is so beautiful! And even better - "fearfully and wonderfully made". I thank God for Blaine; for safe delivery and for parents who desire to raise her in a way that she'll be beautiful on the inside as well.
Aunt Jo
hi guys!
congratulations! i've been following all the updates and praying for you all. so exciting. she is beautiful. :) i haven't wanted to call because i remember how it was in those first few weeks. but i see on this post that you are having a little trouble with feeding sometimes.. feel free to call me if you want to talk about it! i had problems with molly at first; we saw a lactation consultant twice and i read up a lot, so i have a lot of info now and might be able to help. i had a friend tell me i should open a hotline. :) seriously if you have questions about it please feel free to call me. again, congratulations and she is really beautiful! :) praise the Lord for a healthy new life.
i'm in tears! congratulations guys! i just love that your family has grown like this! and i LOVE the story of the dress!!! (she kind of looks like me, actually.....all that black hair!!)
:) :) :) :)
DB and Jeni,
She is SO BEAUTIFUL! I cried when I pulled up your blog today and saw the pics of her! Will you be calling her EB? Jeni, you too?
Funny story, my feet turned in a little and I had to have braces for my feet and they straightened right out:) I know the Lord will take care of your precious little girl:) Love you both and we are praying for you all! Keep those pictures coming!!!
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