Friday, May 16, 2008

Day Three Staying at Home with EB: Injuring My Child

Yes, that's right. Every mother's fear has been realized in me, Jeni Wright. After EB's 7:00 bottle this morning, I decided to brave the ever daunting task of cutting my daughter's fingernail. I have been putting this off for so long now EB's fingernails are long enough to provide a canvas for the second painting of the Sistine Chapel. On the fourth fingernail, EB's mouth turned down and her lower lip popped out and her face turned bright red and after ten seconds of silent ranting, the loud, violent wailing started. My poor little baby girl! I hugged her to me while she cried and cried for what seemed like forever - but was actually about 2 minutes. The next thing I know, I see her smiling through my tears...uh, I mean....her tears. (No way am I such a softy that I would cry harder than she did). After calling DB and a quick debate about whether or not she needed to go to the hospital, I wrapped her hand tightly in a green bib and decided to wait it out.
Now she is playing on her RRRoaring Fun Play Gym and keeps looking at her hand as if she is trying to remember why it has this big bib wrapped around it. Is the short term memory of a baby the same as Dory on Finding Nemo? Whatever the case, she is fine, and maybe one day I will finish cutting her itty bitty fingernails. Now that the worst has happened, it can only go uphill from here, right?

I am also curious to know how many of you mother, fathers, grandparents, aunts and uncles have maimed your child in a similar way. PLEASE share a comment and make me feel better, okay?
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Blogger Rhonda Danner said...

jeni, you are hilarious! i'm sorry you cut her finger, but i loved your description of the whole thing..(and i love Dory on finding nemo)..not because i'm like her or anything..well, or maybe i am...i don't know. anyway, i am sure EB forgave you and i have heard you can try to bite their fingernails instead of use clippers, which kind of grosses me out with all the spit up and all, but i've also heard it's different with your own. EB is BEAUTIFUL and always send more pics when you want to. i miss you! rhonda danner

11:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I felt your pain in this post! Don't worry!

1:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yep, i've done it, too! i felt so badly when i saw her little fingertips red and raw. but it will all be ok, i promise! :) enjoy your new days as a SAHM - now that you're home during the day i'll try to call soon! :)

12:25 AM  
Blogger david, blair, and sadie beth said...

Oh Jeni - I've done the same worries. And my horrible mommy story is that I took Sadie Beth out one day...for the entire morning...WITHOUT A DIAPER ON!!! She wasn't feeling well and I was stressed about the fact that I had to go to a dr. appt. with my dad and feeling sad about taking her out in the cold while she was sick. I was so preoccupied that I totally goofed. When I took her out of the carseat when we got home several hours later, I noticed her sleeper was wet. I couldn't figure out why and then was completely AGHAST about what I did. Initially, I felt like the WORST mommy in the world but then calmed down and realized that it was actually a pretty funny story and can help other new mommies feel at ease about their goofs. Oh least I remembered to take her with me! :) Let's definitely get together soon.

8:36 PM  
Blogger heathandbrandi said...

Hi Jeni,
It's funny that you share this story today....I just did this to our little Sophia for the first time last night!!! I felt seems like such a simple task, doesn't it??

9:34 PM  
Blogger jane said...

Jeni, you are a wonderful Mommy! Don't ever think you're not.

Do you remember when I closed the car door on you foot? We were at the Famous Name Brand shoe place in Lyman and you screamed so loudly that everyone in the store came outside to see what had happened. They were all glaring at me acting like I was an abusive mother. You and I were both crying. I still feel badly whenever I think about that!

9:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love that baby I just want to huge her and squeeze her

8:17 PM  
Blogger Julie said...

Jeni, don't you worry! Jamie just did the same thing with Chloe...she was less than a week at the time! Their little nails are so sharp they have to be trimmed...Chloe was scratching her face so. But one little move on their part and the trim is a bit too close. So yes, unfortunately everyone has that "mishap". "-) Check out our newest Granddaughter at

12:05 PM  

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