One of my friends asked me yesterday if Baby Blaine was sitting up and waving at me yet. No kidding – it feels like I have been pregnant forever – like she must be a toddler by now - but I am just now entering my third trimester. That little girl is growing like crazy – and bringing me right along with her! She moves quite a lot – basically, every time I sit down. It is so amazing to feel her moving around and know that there is a human being growing in side my tummy – what a miracle. Now I know I am not the first woman to marvel at the miracle inside me – but when I think about the fact that my little girl is inside my tummy – it is mind boggling! What a blessing! I just cannot wait to meet her – to know her personality – to hold her and play with her and read to her and dress her in cute clothes and teach her about Jesus and sing and dance with her….you get the picture.
For weeks on end, DB and I have sat and tried to get him to feel her moving. I would put his hand right where she had just kicked, and we would wait – and then, suddenly she would move on the other side of my tummy. I think she was playing with her daddy – seriously – this went on forever. He has been able to feel her moving for about a week now – and last night we were sitting on the couch and he looked at my tummy and his eyes got really big and he said, “Was that her moving??? That looked like King King trying to break out!”
One of my friends from church told me that when she was pregnant, she used to place items on her tummy and the baby would kick them off – it was her office’s entertainment everyday. “Put the pencil on.” “Here – see if he will kick this off.” So for those of you who live nearby – I am trying to train Blaine to do this – hopefully she will learn quickly – I like to have party tricks, and there are a lot of parties coming up!
Things are great in Afghanistan with a refugee camp that Sozo has been working with. Sozo has done several distributions there, and has been raising money for a well and for housing for the 590 families before the winter. On the most recent trip, the elders of the camp expressed interest in being ready for development. They actually said that the distributions were good for a short time, but they really need help in finding jobs and doing things on their own. This is exactly what we wanted to hear!!! How exciting to watch this camp bond together and become a community with a desire to work towards a better future. Pray for this camp that God will move – that He will provide for their physical as well as spiritual needs!
Sorry this post is so long – I figure since I update once in a blue moon, I might as well make good use of it. By the way – I can’t wait to see my family for Christmas! I haven’t seen DK in a YEAR! I feel that I have an amazing advantage over him for the first time in my life – He is bigger and stronger and better at basically everything. Now, for the first time EVER I can pick on him, tease him, throw stuff at him, hit him, basically whatever I want – and he cannot do ANYTHING back to me. Pregnancy – a little sister’s dream!

One of my friends from church told me that when she was pregnant, she used to place items on her tummy and the baby would kick them off – it was her office’s entertainment everyday. “Put the pencil on.” “Here – see if he will kick this off.” So for those of you who live nearby – I am trying to train Blaine to do this – hopefully she will learn quickly – I like to have party tricks, and there are a lot of parties coming up!
Sorry this post is so long – I figure since I update once in a blue moon, I might as well make good use of it. By the way – I can’t wait to see my family for Christmas! I haven’t seen DK in a YEAR! I feel that I have an amazing advantage over him for the first time in my life – He is bigger and stronger and better at basically everything. Now, for the first time EVER I can pick on him, tease him, throw stuff at him, hit him, basically whatever I want – and he cannot do ANYTHING back to me. Pregnancy – a little sister’s dream!

Thanks for posting Jeni! It will be goot to see you. I am so excited for you:)
good to see you. I can't type.
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