Friday, November 17, 2006

Ladies and Gentlemen Girls and Boys

I am pleased to tell you that we are about to have our third( over night) house guest. I realize that the story has dropped off a bit since I have been without a consistent access. I will give you a quick catch up on the story of our home and then tell you about the newest guest to come this Saturday

1st was my Father David. He came up the weekend we moved (well if you remember from previous blogs we planed to move on a Saturday, but because of rain we moved on Thursday) So Saturday Dad helped me put the lovely wooden couch, in my office, through the window. Very Long Story. He helped also that weekend getting us settled into the correct places with the big pieces of furniture.

2nd Guest was my mother Wilma. Now Wilma had helped with the second move Jeni and I made during our marriage (moving 3 times to date, in 11 months of marriage). But this visit was just about learning. Wilma came and brought her new laptop computer and camera to learn some new trick from me, like I know any thing. She also taught Jeni one of the best pastimes seeing how it is paper and final time @ the great SBTS. Jeni learned how to crochet, and she has been working the past 2 weeks on a gift for one of our friends her in Taylorsville

Now our newst person on the Guest List - Coming to KY this Saturday- Is no OTHER than the DK Hardin. Jeni's older brother. DK has visited us once before in our first home, (about 6 months ago, as he was on the way to fill an intern position in Minnesota) He has just accepted a job with corporate BestBuy (dont ask me what the job is, all I know he had two offers, and he chose the Fun one). He will be living in Minnesota, (watching more twins baseball I guess) really I have no idea what you do in Minnesota other than being COLD.

The week after Christmas is already booked sorry to all of you who wanted to come see us for New Years Eve, but the spring is looking very promising. Offering a warm, inviting atmosphere, you'll feel welcome the moment you walk in. Sorry no USA today or The WallStret Journal, but (Jessi we do have wireless now, no more bumming from the neighbors).

So Call or book reservations on-line and "we'll leave the light on for you"


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