Jeni and I not only had the wonderful opportunity to celebrate my birthday today we also had a doctors visit and heard the heartbeat of our first little bit. If you look very close you will see the head and a small arm in the middle of the picture.
By the time we got to the ultrasound appointment, Jeni had to go with a full bladder... ha ha who ever thinks they need to tell a pregnant woman this.... must be crazy, or have never had a pregnant wife. Well we made it to the appointment and she had a wonderful time filling out the paper work ... they took and old device and attempted to hear the heart beat with a hand held box.
Needless to say we listened and listened, and the doc could find nothing... NO problem she said. You need to just go to the other office and they will perform and ultrasound. We made the time for our second appt of the day and waited on the next technician. She looked exactly how an ultrasound technician should look. Pleasant cute gray headed lady that made you feel like she had done this since the machine was created. I don't know. Post-urination euphoria or something. All I know is that Jeni was ready to see that little baby, the lady warmed up the ultrasound goo before starting the procedure.
In the 15 seconds it took for her to locate the uterus, the screen was blank and empty and completely devoid of anything remotely baby-like, and I though that Jeni was not pregnant "and has some splaining to do" She sure has been demanding lots of chicken salad this past week.
"And there's your baby!" she said.
As Jeni looked at the screen and the lady was printing off pictures we began to hear -
"And thats your Baby's heartbeat" she said.
The technician printed out 10 pictures but we only got 4 but unfortunately they don't offer the heartbeat as an MP3 file for the iPod. It's like living in the Dark Ages, I swear. Yet you can understand we are talking about listing to a thum sound who would be crazy enough to list to that over and over.... Well I did go out and find a file that I could listen to randomly when ever I was thinking about my little baby.
Jeni has not suffered much from morning sickness.... but the baby sure does like to snack (ha ha) I will give you more details and info as they come together.
it's a mystery to me how i missed this....I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!! congratulations you two fabulous people!! hooray for babies!!!!
:) :) :) :) :)
yay, jeni and db! i am excited for you guys. i just had my first baby on july 8. so i know exactly what you guys are in for over the next 6-7 months. :) jeni if you have questions or just need to talk please feel free to get in touch. y'all will be in my prayers.
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