So, it is Monday evening and DB and I are watching TV and enjoying each other's company. Yesterday at church went well-the youth at Plum Creek are really neat-they seem very solid and like they will be alot of fun. The vote will be next Sunday, so please, if you think about it, please pray for God's will in this-we feel confident that it will work out, but also we are resting in God's sovreignty!
Today DB started seminary, and I know that this semester is going to be his best ever-without perminent jetlag induced by third shift working, my wonderfully brilliant husband is going to excell in every class and love every minute of it! (Okay, he may not LOVE his 7:00AM class, but you can't always have everythign the way you want to, can you?)

SO DB told me today that we can probably take a VACATION during his fall reading days, and it will STILL be beach weather in Florida and we have graciously been given a free week at the hotel of our choice-so BEACH HERE WE COME!!!!! (In October)
Also, Running Log Update-still running. I have been trying to get up at 6:30 and run. This has actually worked about 2 or 3 days a week, but the truth is, I dread it all evening the night before and when I wake up until I actually am running, when I like it. Then I start dreading 6:30 the next day. So I have resigned myself to the fact that I am just not a morning excersiser. Still doing afternoon runs, and definitnely getting better.
Okay, this is a long entry-sorry-I am kind of verbose.
Today DB started seminary, and I know that this semester is going to be his best ever-without perminent jetlag induced by third shift working, my wonderfully brilliant husband is going to excell in every class and love every minute of it! (Okay, he may not LOVE his 7:00AM class, but you can't always have everythign the way you want to, can you?)

SO DB told me today that we can probably take a VACATION during his fall reading days, and it will STILL be beach weather in Florida and we have graciously been given a free week at the hotel of our choice-so BEACH HERE WE COME!!!!! (In October)
Also, Running Log Update-still running. I have been trying to get up at 6:30 and run. This has actually worked about 2 or 3 days a week, but the truth is, I dread it all evening the night before and when I wake up until I actually am running, when I like it. Then I start dreading 6:30 the next day. So I have resigned myself to the fact that I am just not a morning excersiser. Still doing afternoon runs, and definitnely getting better.
Okay, this is a long entry-sorry-I am kind of verbose.
Love yall!
Hey Jeni I dreamt that we came to visit you at your house which was right on Sydney Harbour. It was beautiful!
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