Sat, 3 Jun 2006 05:04:59 -0700 (PDT)
Hello all,
We just wanted to say thank you for all of your prayers as we traveled over the past 2 weeks. We had an amazing time, and God showed us his amazing power and wonderful Providence in our lives over and over during our trip. He protected and provided in ways we had not expected, or even thought to ask. All of which We know are answered prayers so thank you to all who were so faithful to lift us up before God each day.
We are safe and sound on American ground - not to say that Jeni and I were not both very sad to leave the Afgan staff that we have both grown to love so very much. Still we have our responsibilities here in the US as God has called us to be his hands and feet even this weekend as we minister to a couple that I will be preforming their wedding on Sunday evening.
Please continue to pray for us and the hand of God in our Prayer life as I Finish my last year of Seminary, that God will make it very clear to us where he will place us in the next step of our life and ministry together. And Jeni as she starts a new job on Tuesday that she will be an answer to their prayers and she becomes their bundle of Joy.
Again Thank you for your Prayers and the encouraging emails you were so faithful with.
D.B. and Jeni
Wed, 31 May 2006 19:55:04 -0700 (PDT)
Hello friends!
Well, we leave Kabul today. We have had a great time here-it was quite an adventure, and we certinaly have some great stories to tell. I would say tha tfor both of the thing we will rememebr most about this trip is the time we spent with the staff here at the guesthouse. IT has been a blessing and a joy to sit and talk with them.
DB and I were talking this morning about how being here has radically changed the way we pray. Our hearts yearn to see the Afghan people know the Lord, and we are learning to pray for them in more detailed, personal ways.
Thank you for your prayers for us and the team. We look forward to hearing from you all when we return to the states on Friday. Please continue to pray for travel, connections in airports, and adjustment back to the states when we return.
With Love,
DB and Jeni
Mon, 29 May 2006 18:24:32 -0700 (PDT)
Hey everyone!
This is just a note to let you know that our team is doing fine here in Kabul! You may have heard a little bit about what is going here, but there is no need to worry. The rioting took place in another part of town from where we live, and it is all over now. We are tucked away in our compound and will spend the day here praying and spending time with the Afghan staff. We will hopefully resume our scheduled activities tomorrow, but we will certainly play it by ear. We are in constant contact with the US military and our Afghan staff is alert and has already proven to us they would put their lives on the line for ours. (Not by any means do I think we deserve that in some way-it is just a fact). The Lord has protected and provided for us supernaturally so far, and we have no doubt He will continue to do so. This has been a great trip-we have spent much time in prayer for Afghans and worshiping the Lord in various venues. We have met many people and truly love being here. We are looking forward to the rest of the trip! Please continue praying for relationships, as well as our safety.
With much love and many stories to tell,
Jeni and DB
Thu, 25 May 2006 06:26:11 -0700 (PDT)
Dear Friends,
We are sitting here in the garden at the guesthouse looking at a yard full of roses in full bloom and in all different colors-a beautiful sight to see, I must say. The one eyed gardener who takes very good care of the garden "came with the house." Literally-when we rented the house, the garnder was a part of the deal. The Afghan staff is sitting in the foyer joking with one another, and the rest os the team is doing exactly what we just finished-takinga big 'ol nap!
Our two days here have been very nice-I (jeni) have enjoyed very much being reunited with old friends, practicing what little Dari I know with everyone I meet, and being in this country that I love so much. DB is soaking up all fo the new sights, sounds, and smells. He has already had a chance to dance with some Afghans, take a ton of pictures, and make new friends.
Please pray for the following things-even if each person who gets this email jsut picks one to remember, we will be covered in your prayers!
Please pray for our interactions with Afghans-that we will build string friendships for God's glory!
Please pray for my friend N-pray for openess to spiritual discussions.
Please pray for protection from spiritual attack
Please pray for DB and I and how we interact with each other-that we would truly show each other Christ's love in this new place-and that people will see Christ in how we treat each other!
Thanks for your prayers! We will try to write again soon!
DB and Jeni
Wed, 24 May 2006 05:25:39 -0700 (PDT)
Hello every one,
It was a long long trip - we had almost no trouble with our flights or our travel. Chilled in Amsterdam, and then spent the night in Dubi - for only 4 hours. We are now safe in Kabul It is about 8:03 in EST time - and we are about 8 and a half hours a head at 16:33 here - I will have access to this email address so feel free to ask questions.
How to pray for us we are going to be building relationship with old friends and new friends who live in a hard country. OPEN doors and good talk about GOD . C. Please also pray for our team as we adjust to the culture - that we would have unity and kindness toward one another as we serve here.
IN HIM D.B. and Jeni