Thursday, June 28, 2007

In the words of a dear frined of ours "Dont pay the Ransom"

There have been so many things take place of the past 20+ days.
I will attempt to fill you in on some of the random events in reverse order.
Last week we had VBS at Plum Creek and we had five days with our youth.
During the week we talked about becoming a Hero and shared many different stories from biblical chactors

We had two nights that we took the youth out after VBS (and to be honest I was done) Stick a fork in me finished.
Jeni was the trooper of the week, she worked 40 hours @ LifeBridge and then was there with me every night at VBS.

on June 16th Jeni ran a 5k race at the Local State park and did better as far as time in comparson with her time from the derby 5k this spring. Other than reading some random books here and there we have just been busy with Church Events.

I can hardly believe the month of June is almost over, and July looks as if it will go just a quickly.

UP COMING Events -

Jeni and I are going to be spending time in SC next week and preparing for the busy July that is coming!!!
July 8-13 is youth summer camp, (look for some updates)

Thursday, June 14, 2007

There are days and yet weeks that some times see very daunting !!!

The approaching VBS at our church is only days away and as I have attempted to work up the material for the Youth it seems like an informational overload. I have been told to expect 40-50 youth next week during our 5 day VBS - and I have 3 people who will be assisting me with the events. WOW

As the week has passed by in what seems an extremely slow rate this week - I have sat here at my desk this morning looking at all the titles of the hundreds of books that line my shelf and asked what is the point of all this madness. ( The Barbarian Way , The Life you Always Wanted, Blue like Jazz, God is the Gospel, What Jesus demands from the World, Everybody's normal till you get to know them, Seizing your divine moment, Uprising, The Problem with Pain, The Purpose Driven Life, Running with the Vision.) What is our Purpose and our "divine moment".

"Christ likeness" (From Valley of Vision)

Father of Jesus,

Dawn returns, but without thy light within

no outward light can profit;

Give me the saving lamp of thy Spirit that I may

see thee,

the God of my salvation, the delight of my soul,

rejoicing over me in love.

I commend my heart to thy watchful care,

for I know its treachery and power;

Guard its every portal from the wily enemy,

Give me quick discernment of his deadly arts,

Help me to recognize his bold disguise as an

angel of light,

and bid him begone.

May my words and works allure others to the

highest walks of faith and love!

May loiterers be quickened to greater diligence

by my example!

May worldlings be won to delight in acquaintance

with thee!

May the timid and irresolute be warned

of coming doom by my zeal for Jesus!

Cause me to be a mirror of thy grace,

to show others the joy of thy service,

May my lips be well-tuned cymbals

sounding thy praise,

Let a halo of heavenly-mindedness

sparkle around me

and a lamp of kindness sunbeam my path.

Teach me the happy art of

attending to things temporal

with a mind intent on things eternal.

Send me forth to have compassion

on the ignorant and miserable.

Help me to walk as Jesus walked,

my only Saviour and perfect model,

his mind my inward guest,

his meekness my covering garb.

Let my happy place be amongst the poor in spirit,

my delight the gentle ranks of the meek.

Let me always esteem others better than myself,

and find in true humility

an heirdom to two worlds.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

JUNE 5 Man where do the days GO>>>>>>>

Jeni and I are sure enjoying the warmer weather - this past Saturday we drove out to Lagrange KY to visit the Old Rock Quarry from last summer. We had lots of fun with our friends, and enjoyed some great music and a camp fire. Even though there was not much SUN we did enjoy our self. It is clearly summer in Taylorsville and Jeni has gone to running again. Man some times that girl is like a Machine - And you would think I was a bum or s0mething, because I cant start to keep up with her on the number of miles she will log during the week.

As I stated in a previous blog I have started doing some Car detailing on the side - and thanks to a local business man in the Louisville area I have my days lined up for me this week. Rick McIntire, the Louisville Division Manager of Champion windows was the first on the list this week with his Chevy Tahoe, and from Monday on I Think I have 4 cars booked this week. Thanks to the prayers of several people this looks like the start of a profitable summer.

Tuesdays are Church Softball leagues as we rotate from 6:00 - 07:00 Games every Tuesday night. The team has been lots of fun- though my ability is a bit rusty I do manage to score @ least one run every game. The most important part of the event is that opportunity to hang out with the guys and just enjoy a brainless activity.

Prayer Request:
* The opportunity to clean more cars.
* The Youth Ministry and the need for Workers.
* VBS is coming up on June 18-22, Pray for student and the 3 women working with the YOUTH.