Monday, November 19, 2007
Saturday, November 10, 2007
HOODIE WEATHER – no not really we had a light frost this morning, and need I say it was a great day for a hunt – I woke up early and as I had indicated in my last post that today was opening day of gun season. As I had hoped I have some pictures to share with you and I will soon – include a video!!!
Friday, November 09, 2007

Jesus would move to Central Asia !!!!
It is HOODIE WEATHER in Louisville and I am getting really eager about opening day (sat is gun season for Deer). I hope that my next post will include several pictures of a big buck that walks in front of my gun.
Jesus would live in Central Asia if he were ministering in today’s context. While reading the book of Matthew and attending a perspectives class in Louisville, it became very clear to me that the life of Jesus was focused on more than the Jews. Major surprise? Not really, until I took a pen and started marking my Bible ever time Jesus had some type of contact with a Gentile. Humm… To whom did Jesus spend more time teaching, talking with, and ministering to? Jews / Gentiles?
So why the MAP? The major concentration of lost souls in the world fill an area know as the 10/40 window, the area between the latitude lines of 10&40. Over 95% of the worlds human population live in what is know as the 10/40 window, and only 5% of Christian work, money and churches are located there. In America we see only 5% of the world’s population and the largest number of pastors and churches… you get the point.
Why are more people not willing to serve among the hard places in the world? Why are members of the Christian community not doing the very things that Christ commanded them to do? Matthew 11:5_The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cured, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is preached to the poor. Luke 14:13_But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame….
Rather we do things in our own ways and have justified our actions saying we are reaching the hurting and the poor here. ( GOOD ) But I believe Jesus would move to Central Asia.
Labels: Jesus would move to Central Asia
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
It is amazing to me the random things you will do when you are pregnant. (well your wife) Jeni and I have started going to bed early early early – WoW there was a time when I made fun of people who didn’t stay up past 9:30 (sorry Jody jan). 
Last night – wasn’t much different we had just finished dinner with a family from Sri Lanka, at Bob and Kathy Drane’s home, and fell into or new Queen sized bed (which is getting smaller by the day – should have bought the King) extremely exhausted. I was talking to the baby, and trying to feel her move. I had my hand on Jeni’s belly pushing poking, trying to get the little girl to move. When she (the baby) started kicking I thought she was going to break a leg. I was like how in the world do you sleep with here kicking like that. “What are you talking about” Jeni said, she is not moving yes she is I jeered as if I knew what this little girl was doing that I have as of yet not felt move. “Put your had here” I protested. Who ever knew that you could feel the heart beat of that little kid, well except for all you smart people who have kids, or read a lot of books but anyway it was just amazing when I Felt my little girls heart beat at the end of my fingers
Last night – wasn’t much different we had just finished dinner with a family from Sri Lanka, at Bob and Kathy Drane’s home, and fell into or new Queen sized bed (which is getting smaller by the day – should have bought the King) extremely exhausted. I was talking to the baby, and trying to feel her move. I had my hand on Jeni’s belly pushing poking, trying to get the little girl to move. When she (the baby) started kicking I thought she was going to break a leg. I was like how in the world do you sleep with here kicking like that. “What are you talking about” Jeni said, she is not moving yes she is I jeered as if I knew what this little girl was doing that I have as of yet not felt move. “Put your had here” I protested. Who ever knew that you could feel the heart beat of that little kid, well except for all you smart people who have kids, or read a lot of books but anyway it was just amazing when I Felt my little girls heart beat at the end of my fingers
Labels: Kicking or Beating