Friday, November 24, 2006

Well the Road Trip is well under way !!!!! WE started out from our Little Home in Taylorsville,
and have made it to the wonderful land of Greer. Drugstores on every
corner, and Black Friday gifts. Well it has been a good trip.

Friday Morning Keith and I some how got through the trafic to BestBuy to pick up a 250G Hard Drive. (it was no doubt the best deal of Friday) and Then HomeDepo for a 18v drill.

Only 1400 - & we are already home on the couch for some R&R Will update pictures and comments on Jeni's new clothing items, and shoes she found today

Jeni and Jane had a bigger day on Friday buying Shoes, coats, and random other things... They had an amazing day shopping with each other.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Get your car cleaned. You’ll feel better in a clean car.
Pack an emergency kit in your car. Include motion sickness medication if anyone in your group suffers from it. Remove any items from the car that you won’t need on your trip
Prepare some on road entertainment for your trip. Include games and CDs of music and/or audio books. Check the condition of your wiper blades. Check the operation of your turn signals, brake lights as well as the high and low beams. Examine the tread on your tires.

There are alot of Important things to do before a road trip, and what am I doing; laying on the counch doing nothing, attempting to find a book we can listen to on our road trip to SC for thanksgiving.

DK Started his road trip from Louisville to THE NORTH POLE this morning about 05:00 It was extrextremely coldand I think he was not excited about the idea that 11 hours north it was only going to be colder.

Jeni went to work, and who only knows if she will be productive. She is so excited about the road trip we are starting this evening around 1645. To Greer, SC.

Who wants to talk about a semester studying overseas- I just read about a "Scholar Ship" program which students board a cruseliner to enjoy their 16weeks of study Check out the USA TODAY REPORT


Friday, November 17, 2006

Ladies and Gentlemen Girls and Boys

I am pleased to tell you that we are about to have our third( over night) house guest. I realize that the story has dropped off a bit since I have been without a consistent access. I will give you a quick catch up on the story of our home and then tell you about the newest guest to come this Saturday

1st was my Father David. He came up the weekend we moved (well if you remember from previous blogs we planed to move on a Saturday, but because of rain we moved on Thursday) So Saturday Dad helped me put the lovely wooden couch, in my office, through the window. Very Long Story. He helped also that weekend getting us settled into the correct places with the big pieces of furniture.

2nd Guest was my mother Wilma. Now Wilma had helped with the second move Jeni and I made during our marriage (moving 3 times to date, in 11 months of marriage). But this visit was just about learning. Wilma came and brought her new laptop computer and camera to learn some new trick from me, like I know any thing. She also taught Jeni one of the best pastimes seeing how it is paper and final time @ the great SBTS. Jeni learned how to crochet, and she has been working the past 2 weeks on a gift for one of our friends her in Taylorsville

Now our newst person on the Guest List - Coming to KY this Saturday- Is no OTHER than the DK Hardin. Jeni's older brother. DK has visited us once before in our first home, (about 6 months ago, as he was on the way to fill an intern position in Minnesota) He has just accepted a job with corporate BestBuy (dont ask me what the job is, all I know he had two offers, and he chose the Fun one). He will be living in Minnesota, (watching more twins baseball I guess) really I have no idea what you do in Minnesota other than being COLD.

The week after Christmas is already booked sorry to all of you who wanted to come see us for New Years Eve, but the spring is looking very promising. Offering a warm, inviting atmosphere, you'll feel welcome the moment you walk in. Sorry no USA today or The WallStret Journal, but (Jessi we do have wireless now, no more bumming from the neighbors).

So Call or book reservations on-line and "we'll leave the light on for you"

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Well to all who have been pining away over the blog page - Here is our home, inside and out. This blog is coming from our very own living room. Yes the living room of our new home (yes Jody jan from the living room out in the country)

So we were talking about Country Music a few days ago and I Believe this song explains Jeni "down to the letter"

She's everyhing

She's a yellow pair of running shoes
A holey pair of jeans
She looks great in cheap sunglasses
She looks great in anything
She's I want a piece of chocolate
Take me to a movie
She's I can't find a thing to wear
Now and then she's moody

She's a Saturn with a sunroof
With her brown hair a-blowing
She's a soft place to land
And a good feeling knowing
She's a warm conversation
That I wouldn't miss for nothing
She's a fighter when she's mad
And she's a lover when she's loving

And she's everything I ever wanted
And everything I need
I talk about her, I go on and on and on
'Cause she's everything to me

She's a Saturday out on the town
And a church girl on Sunday
She's a cross around her neck
And a cuss word 'cause its Monday
She's a bubble bath and candles
Baby come and kiss me
She's a one glass of wine
And she's feeling kinda tipsy

She's the giver I wish I could be
And the stealer of the covers
She's a picture in my wallet
Of my unborn children's mother
She's the hand that I'm holding
When I'm on my knees and praying
She's the answer to my prayer
And she's the song that I'm playing

Repeat chorus

She's the voice I love to hear
Someday when I'm ninety
She's that wooden rocking chair
I want rocking right beside me
Everyday that passes
I only love her more
Yeah, she's the one
That I'd lay down my own life for

And she's everything I ever wanted
And everything I need
She's everything to me
Yeah she's everything to me

Everything I ever wanted
And everything I need
She's everything to me
by: Brad Paisley

Friday, November 10, 2006

Well it is done - Jeni and I have successfully unpacked every thing in our home – (three moves in less than one year wow what a stress). We have enjoyed our new home and can defiantly say we are looking forward to the Holidays with our friends and Family. This is the first Christmas in 6 years that I have not worked for UPS so “I’ll be Home for Christmas” I can now successful use my desk and all of my books are unpacked.

Many of you will remember our recent trip to Kabul Afg. and the CCA conference that I recently posted pictures of. This opportunity that Jeni and I have recently had was because of an organization called SOZO – I have posted things about them in the past but This morning during our Friday morning prayer group I began to really think about every thing SOZO is about. The organization currently has 2 people state side that are continual working to organize and plan the future events and steps of the ministry. Jody Hesler – (if you can catch her in one place long enough) is always eager to share with you about the ways in which God has blessed the Afgan people, by providing medicine to help with sickness. The provision of food supplements for their young children. The restored hope of education through schools and other elements of the Health program. Bob Drane is serving as the Director of SOZO, and the prayerful leadership and vision to continue as he is being is very exciting journey. (Bob’s wife Kathy is the founder of Hopeful Hearts) (You can follow Will and Tarha through the process by clicking on their blog in the left colum)

Take a Minute and look with me at the true meaning of the Biblical SOZO. This will be a quick walk though the pates of the Bible to attempt to explain my heart of Ministry, and my love for this group that Jeni and I pray with on Friday mornings.

2 Samuel 14 Joab Arragnes for Absalom’s Return

In verse number 4 “When the woman from Tekoa went to the king, she fell with her face to the ground to pay him honor, and she said, "Help me, O king!"

Help – the Hebrew yasha – do deliver or bring salvation

So the King did help her and in v.13 we see that she says “Why don't you do as much for all the people of God as you have promised to do for me?”

2 Kings 6:26 One day as the king of Israel was walking along the wall of the city, a woman called to him, "Please help me, my lord the king!"

King Ben-hada acted out against the Lords will (v.24) and caused a great famine to cover the city. It last so long that there was neither food nor wine to drink. So they resorted to eating their children. The mother who cried out in v.26 said help me (yasha or sozo) HELP I something to be avenged I must be delivered?!?!

I love the way we see the Cry of Help from King David in the Psalms

NLT Psalm 3:7 Arise, O LORD! Rescue me, my God! Slap all my enemies in the face! Shatter the teeth of the wicked!

ESV Psalm 3:7 Arise, O LORD! Save me, O my God! For you strike all my enemies on the cheek; you break the teeth of the wicked.

NIV Psalm 3:7 Arise, O LORD! Deliver me, O my God! Strike all my enemies on the jaw; break the teeth of the wicked.


Psalm 3

Lord I have so many enemies so many are against me

So many are saying God will never rescue him!

But you O Lord are a shield around me; you are my glory the one who holds my head high.

I cried out to the Lord and he answered from his Holy Mountain.

I lay down and slept yet I woke up in safety

For the lord was watching over me.

I am not afraid of ten thousand enemies who surround me on every side.

Arise O Lord! Rescue me my God! Slap all my enemies in the Face!

Shatter the teeth of the wicked!

Victor comes from you O Lord may you bless your people.

David knew that in the midst of all his trouble that he could rest for the Lord was watching over him. He knew that there was a rescue, a salvation, from the thousands that were surrounding him.

Matthew 8:25 “The disciples went to him and woke him up, shouting, "Lord, save us! We're going to drown!"

Remember the Disciples calling on Jesus during the Storm the term her is SAVE (sw,|zw verb imperative aorist active 2nd person singular) the meaning a Christian Salvation – a rescue from something that could kill them.

Matthew 14:29 "Come," he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. 30 But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, "Lord, save me!"

Mark 15:30 "save Yourself, and come down from the cross!"

What about Jesus – an idea of Delivering or to preserve

What about Jesus trail before Pilate

Luke 23:35 And the people stood by, watching, but the rulers scoffed at him, saying, "He saved others; let him save himself, if he is the Christ of God, his Chosen One!"

What did Jesus do? HE saved other people – now think about the New Testament ideas – and the ideas I just presented about Peter and the other disciples. They were needing salvation from Death (right) Would you think that the people gathered would recognized him as the one who could save them from death.

Remember: Origin: from sw/j sos (safe, well)

Usage: bring...safely(1), cured(1), ensure salvation (1), get well

(2), made...well(6), made well(5), preserved(1), recover(1), restore

So What is my Point - The scriptures are littered with this word SOZO in Greek Yasha in Hebrew – Of people crying for Help, from Kings From GOD and From Jesus asking for safety, salvation, and to be made well.

Peter in Acts 2.40 said to his listeners Save yourselves from this crooked generation.

What is SOZO about – Helping the people with “THEIR GREAT NEED !?!?!?!”
