Saturday, February 17, 2007

Dine Without Whine - A Family Friendly Weekly Menu Plan

Well, I have found a WONDERFUL new website that I HAVE to share with all of you. It is called DINE WITHOUT WHINE. They will email you every week with a menu for the week, with recipes, and a grocery list. It eliminates all PLANNING! I tried the free week example and I love it-so I signed up for a month. The food is good, the recipes are easy, and I love having all of that planning done for me. It is only $5 a month to have this all sent to you.

PRAISE THE LORD! I am so excited that God has provided this - I have been starving my sweet husband to death lately because of my lack of planning. Not this week-he has been eating well! Click on the link above-and let people know! One tip: I copied the recipes to a word document, one recipe per page, and then printed 4 to a page. This makes them the size of a recipe card.

Additional news from Taylorsville: IT IS SNOWING!!!!! We just went out sledding and playin ghte snow-it was so much fun!!!

Friday, February 16, 2007

Grace, she takes the blame
She covers the shame
Removes the stain
It could be her name

It's a name for a girl
It's also a thought that, changed the world
And when she walks on the street
You can hear the strings
Grace finds goodness in everything ...
Lyrics skipped

What once was hurt
What once was friction
What left a mark
No longer stings...
Because Grace makes beauty
Out of ugly things

Grace finds beauty in everything

As Jeni and I joined our Friday morning prayer group I continued to think about the lyrics of Bono's song and the idea of Grace. "A thought that, changed the world" something that changes the way we humans act think and feel. Each person in our group talked and shared some ideas this morning, but it was the thoughts of one of the ladies that really got me thinking. "I feel so unworthy" She continued to express this in different ways. Her primary expression was the fact God was using her and she couldn't express why.

GRACE - the thing that finds beauty in everything.
Grace is more than just the name of a Girl.

Grace is the Biblical concept that allowed Jesus Christ to pick 12 men - One he knew would betray him, to his death on a cross. Jesus actually told Peter (one of the 12) you will deny that you even know me 3 times before the night is over..(rooster crows). The Men Jesus chose to continue his earthly ministry after his death were fishers, tax collectors... not your most likely choice of men to continue a ministry that you know must succeed. Why would Jesus (the smartest guy in the world) choose such a group of men... the most unlikely the most unworthy.

Jesus knew the true meaning of Grace and he knew that through his life and ministry simple common people could be the example of Grace that finds beauty in everything: a Grace that will go to the ends of the Earth to share the true gospel the Grace that in the face of trials and struggles will say each prayer each day knowing that God's Grace "makes beauty Out of ugly things".


Monday, February 12, 2007

Did you know that The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is an independent United States government agency, directly responsible to Congress.

The FCC was established by the Communications Act of 1934 and is charged with regulating interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite and cable. The FCC's jurisdiction covers the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. possessions....

I believe that the general jurisdiction is even more. In a sermon I preached just a few weeks ago on Prayer I posed the idea the the FCC regulates our prayer life. According the the model prayer that Jesus gave us in Matthew 6:9-13 "Our Father who is in heaven ...." I posed that as a Christian we are obligated to the guide lines of "F.C.C." - If you would like to read more on the musing of my brain check out the post in my Bible Study. The Lord's Prayer regulated by the FCC.

Jeni and I had a wonderful Weekend, as usual. She had a girls tea for the mothers and daughters to share with them the opportunity of a new Bible Study called Lady in Waiting. The girls all seemed very excited, and they will be starting a blog with the topics and discussions on this new topic. I had the joy of dressing out in my scout uniform that seems to be a bit small now... because we observed Scout Sunday and presented awards to some young men in our church. One of the Scout leaders asked I would help in the service because of my Rank as an Eagle. Jeni and I also enjoy a move called "One Night with the King" - the story of Esther.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Some days I get out of bed and think
how in the world did I get here. Yesterday was just one of those days, as some you know Jeni and I meet with a group on Friday mornings to talk about and pray for the people of Afghanistan. This week was no different. We got up early and made to commute to Louisville to be with or friends and to pray as usual. Yet this week Dr.Tetsunao (“Ted”) Yamamori was with us, alright I know that many of you are thinking who...Well, Dr Ted is the author of many books on missions, as well the president or important leader of so many World Evangelistic groups I can not even remember them all. He had just returned from Afghanistan, where he had the opportunity to talk with several very important People of influence and leadership. Ted shared with us many very insightful and encouraging things that SOZO will be working toward, and the vision they have for the future.

SOZO is the group that Jeni and I recently traveled to Afghanistan with on our spring trip. It was very encouraging to hear of the ideas to being their work with long term people there in Kabul working alongside the nationals to contribute to the CPM.

During the discussion as Ted was talking about the visions and dreams for the City of Kabul he continued to say that friends there brought up our name several times. Again I am think how in the world did Jeni and I get here. All of this is very exciting and very honoring in the fact we are considered to be such leaders. There are several was to pray for us as the weeks press on.

First Continue to Pray for us as I am serving as a Youth Pastor. We are having some amazing breakthroughs here in Taylorsville. Continue to pray that God will give us wisdom in leading our students to a deeper relationship with Christ.

Second - Pray about our future decisions. Most every one is aware that our next ministry step is to Work with the International Mission Board. Pray that God will so us WHERE, HOW, and WHEN that all takes place.

THIRD: In the New Testament we read of accounts that Jesus forgave the sins of other people because of the faith of their friends. ex. Luke 5:20 When Jesus saw the faith of the 4 guys bring the Paralytic Jesus said "Man Your Sins are forgiven you."
SO begin to Pray with us for the Afghan people. That our Faith for them might bring them to a relationship with Christ.

1. They Will see Dreams and Visions
2. They will meet a believer
3. They will be Presented with the Gospel
4. See God Work in Power (answered Prayers,healing)
5. Come to Know Jesus as Savior

Sunday, February 04, 2007

You will never believe what we did Friday night. we went BALLROOM DANCING!!! I am not kidding-it was so much fun! We learned how to do the West Coast Swing and the Waltz, and then we spent the rest of the night "pretending" to do other dances. We knew surprising a lot of people there, and it was a blast. My friend Tracy and her new "man-friend" Joel gave us the idea and accompanied us to dinner and dessert. We had a great evening and hope to do more dancing in the future (we will be practicing at home). Anybody have any comments on this? Anybody want to go with us next time we go?

Tonight we had a superbowl party, and it was fun. I don't think a single person actually watched the game, but it seemed as if everyone enjoyed themselves. I could not even tell you who won the "big game" but Chad Spence won the 2007 Plum Creek Madden Challenge! (Playstation tournment)

So it has been a great weekend and we are looking forward to the coming week. DB started school last week and loves his classes. He says there will be a lot reading-we all know how much he loves to read, so it will be no hardship for him.

I hope everyone has a great week! Comment or email us and let us know what YOU are up to!
