I want to give a shout out to Dan and James at dbswebsite.com As many of you might know Jeni and I are staying in Louisville, and I am currently looking for a full time job as we are leaving the student pastor position at Plum Creek. Today was an exceptionally productive day, as I had an interview with a Louisville based company called Digital Business Solutions, a website design and software development company. I had a great time talking with Dan and James, regardless of what Aaron says about them. (just kidding)
--- Keep praying for our little girl - she is still not enjoying the shoes, and often times just whines and cries for no real reason. When she isn't being a bit fussy, she has started smiling @ us - not just gas or an accident, but smiling in response to seeing our faces and talking to her. This might be one of the greatest things in life - the first time EB smiled at Jeni she laughed and cried and scared the little girl - we are trying to be calmer now when it happens.
We are traveling to Tennessee this weekend to visit family, and will have pictures and a new YouTube video up soon.
When your daddy is an avid adventure sport enthusisat and your Pappa D's lifelong ambition is to hike as many miles day as possible, you learn at an early age to experience extreme sports to the fullest. EB has already staked her claim as the family snowboarding expert. I know in many countries they start children off at an early age playing instruments and learning complex math equations, but our one month old takes the cake with her "snowboard" wrapped in pink ribbon.
On Monday we showed up for EB's third set of casts and the doctor said, " I don't think we need to put anymore casts on her. Let's start the shoes today." YEAH!!! Baby Blaine skipped at least four weeks of casting and probably won't have to have the expected surgery at all. Now in her "dancing shoes" as DB calls them, there are three months of non-stop torture for the little girl as she learns to deal with the heavy confinement.
Our little trooper is adjusting surprisingly well - after crying like never before for about 12 hours, she is dealing with her new wardrobe addition and almost back to her usual, laid back self.
Thanks for your prayers for quick healing - this is a crazy miracle! Don't stop! (See more pictures in album on the left hand column).
--- EASTER --- This weekend is well know for something that occurred a few thousand years ago. The resurrection of the Son of God.
While the season of spring brings the thoughts and evidence of new life as trees begin to bud and flowers begin to sprout. Our family wanted to share with you our special pictures (more included in the Photo album<---) as we celebrated a man named Jesus who God as a personal relational Father, One who loves his creation through the Son "Jesus"
Before we had lunch with the King family we took a few minutes to enjoy the hard work of a rock stacked wall that is here in our community of Waterford where we live.
We hope your weekend has been a blessed one. Please continue to pray for us as I am seeking a full time job and a new place to live. Also Jeni is returning to SOZO April 1st and will certainly be missing her little girl but is very excited to back work with her team!!!
Nipple - the word is from the mid 16th Century, and until today I didn't realize there were all types of different ones?!? As you well know EB has been having a very hard time with here eating. We fight and fight and she will only eat 40-60cc of milk. If we force her to eat more -well most of you can guess what we spend the next 30 minutes doing. (thats right cleaning up the reflux) So theres no big deal right - just feed her the 40-60cc and stop. Well that is all well and good but one we are trying to get her weight back up to 8+ pounds. Two, TIME - not sure how many of the readers of this random blog have bottle feed a child on a regular basis but when they are just a few weeks old you feed every 2-3 hours. Again many of you are thinking ok no big deal.
Well yes but when you do not realize there is a difference in nipples and you are using a level 1 infant nipple and it takes 45 minutes to 60 minutes to feed only to turn around one hour later to feed again well its begins to get very tiresome. Yet today - a day that goes down in the history of DB and the nipples --- Jeni and I bought some new BORN FREE bottles and a level 2 nipple. Could it really make that big of a difference.
Let me start by saying we got home around 4pm and I was so NOT ready to feed the little girl all I really wanted to do was take a nap but knowing there would be a fair amount of work in cleaning the bottles and boiling them for their first use I agreed to help. Jeni washed and scrubbed I boiled and mixed up the formula, and then came the moment of truth. I served up 70cc of this wonderful - Similac® Advance totally knowing I was about to be stuck on the couch for the next 60 minutes. Then it happened, the baby started to pull and down goes the milk cc by cc (stop to change a dipper ) back to the bottle and in less than 10 minutes GONE. Praise the Lord for a larger nipple. We both agree we have a new lease on life (more sleep) who knows we might catch up on the wash. (Note: I feed the baby cleaned the bottle and wrote this blog post with links and pictures in less than 60 minutes again thanks for the new bottles)
Baby Blaine had her appointment this morning to get casts for her little feet. The doctors at the Shriner's Hospital were very nice and gentle and sweet and put casts on her feet that reach her hips. Poor little thing is having a hard time coping today because she can't curl up in a little ball like she likes to, but the doctors have assured us that she is feeling no pain - only discomfort. Mommy and Daddy are having a bit of hard time, but we know that this is what is best for our baby girl, and she won't remember a thing by the time she has finished with the castings. The doctor says 4-6 casts, which they will change every Monday, and then special shoes for three months. Please pray for our precious little one to be fixed quickly and painlessly, and for DB and I to know how to best take care of her while she is in casts. Some of you also know that Blaine had some weight loss last week, but we are on top of things and feeding her every bit we can get her to eat every three hours. She is still not back up to her birth weight, but she is growing steadily and we are confident that she will be up to par in a short time. Her little belly doesn't seem to like formula so much, so please pray that she will digest the formula and her belly will grow. Here is the video from the hospital of the casting process. Blaine handled things beautifully (especially because her daddy was feeding her a bottle the whole time).
We are so thankful for our sweet, precious baby girl and that God has provided us with excellent doctors to care for her so well.
The pictures of EB in this little dress have a bit of a history - A few decades ago there was a "little boy" about to be born to Keith and Jane Hardin. On that fateful day of March 7th along came Jeni (the little boy) so her Grandmother "Nana" immediately ran out to Belk's and bought a dainty pink dress and some pretty little shoes. (ok - back up it was a little boy? well 20 something years ago there were no ultrasounds. Doctors just guessed based upon the way the mother walked what the mother was carrying.)
Well about 6 months ago when we discovered that we were going to have a girl it was recalled that there was this little dress, so on 2-25-08 EB got to come home in her mommy's dress.
If you could have only been a fly on the wall those few days in the hospital and could have heard the conversations of the Grandmothers – “she looks like _________ I will get the pictures out and we can see” - well regardless if I had hair of if Jeni didn't. If the lips are curved more like this or that la la la - We did get one pretty baby.
Several of you are aware that we are staying in the states a bit longer than we had thought because EB's little feet were turned inward. We will be meeting with a doctor this Thursday 3-6-08 just after lunch to discover what will be needed to see that they will straighten out like they should so she can run and play when she gets a bit older. Jeni and I are so grateful to have such an amazing little girl who is so healthy and happy - she has been sleeping GREAT and eating farely well, although mommy wishes the feeding would come a bit easier some times. All this said, things are going great in the Wright family's household – we love our baby girl so much and we are so thankful to have her as a part of our lives!!!