Friday, August 25, 2006

What can take place in the period of a week. Well, I will have to say it has been a full week, As you each know I have recently been voted the Youth Pastor of Plum Creek Baptist Church. There are still a few open ends to be taken care before we move so pray for the process of moving to their parsonage. I am only taking 9 hours this semester at seminary but it is a large reading load. Mixed with the obligation of teaching a youth group on Wednesday night. It has been a very busy week.

Jeni has worked a lot of hours this week, because one of her coworkers is on vacation, so mixed with her after noon runs she has been a bit exhausted. We had a great time Thursday night at a local restaurant, talking about all the things taking place, in our life and how it is that God is moving in our Lives.

She has a big wedding coming up next weekend for one of her Girl friends, Devon Thompson. (she is on the left of picture). We are making plans for that road trip and really looking forward seeing all the girls of V2.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Some times in your life it seems like every things just clicks. I had one of those normal weekends. (well, what one would call a normal weekend if you grew up country). As you already know Jeni and I were in Tennessee this weekend to visit my parents, after our visit with my Mother we traveled to the big little town of Woodridge. It was a simple and normal dinner with discussion of the events that were to remain in the evening. Our plan as you know from the previous post was to go frog gigging with my dad. So we finished up our dinner and packed up the boat and other necessary equipment. By the 22nd hour of Friday night Jeni had officially been introduced to the art of riding an eight foot john boat and spotting frogs.

On Saturday we took a long ride though capachine mountains, a place in east Tennessee that I had compared Istalief Afghanistan. It was a great ride other than the heavy rain that began to wash out the truck and my pockets, because we could not roll up the windows of the old gray goose we were driving. It was a great drive only to be followed by the long drive to Louisville

Sunday was not a normal or casual day. We awoke and started early to plum creek, Sunday the 20th was the day of our vote as youth minister. We attended the youth Sunday school, and then in the worship service I was asked to follow the announcements I spoke for only a few minutes, and then the service continued. After the worship service they were called into a special business meeting that resulted in a 103/1 vote in favor of us as their youth ministers.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Well it has indeed been a very busy week, I have started back to school full time this week. I am taking 9 hours which is considered full time @ Southern Which I would believe based on the reading load that I been looking forward to starting.

We are really looking forward to the weekend. First we are currently in God's promise Land Visiting my parents in Tennessee. We drove down after I finished classes on Thursday, and started our quick stay with my mother and Mike @ the local Mexican restaurants. We then drove up Powell Valley to visit Grover and Teresa, before our trip to Demory for the evening stay.

tomorrow we are planning to visit Emily in Lenore City, and having dinner on the river. You will never guess where. We will spend time in Knoxville before spending the night with dad and as of right now the plan is to do some Frog gigging.

Monday, August 14, 2006

So, it is Monday evening and DB and I are watching TV and enjoying each other's company. Yesterday at church went well-the youth at Plum Creek are really neat-they seem very solid and like they will be alot of fun. The vote will be next Sunday, so please, if you think about it, please pray for God's will in this-we feel confident that it will work out, but also we are resting in God's sovreignty!

Today DB started seminary, and I know that this semester is going to be his best ever-without perminent jetlag induced by third shift working, my wonderfully brilliant husband is going to excell in every class and love every minute of it! (Okay, he may not LOVE his 7:00AM class, but you can't always have everythign the way you want to, can you?)
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SO DB told me today that we can probably take a VACATION during his fall reading days, and it will STILL be beach weather in Florida and we have graciously been given a free week at the hotel of our choice-so BEACH HERE WE COME!!!!! (In October)

Also, Running Log Update-still running. I have been trying to get up at 6:30 and run. This has actually worked about 2 or 3 days a week, but the truth is, I dread it all evening the night before and when I wake up until I actually am running, when I like it. Then I start dreading 6:30 the next day. So I have resigned myself to the fact that I am just not a morning excersiser. Still doing afternoon runs, and definitnely getting better.

Okay, this is a long entry-sorry-I am kind of verbose.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

How many of you out there are doing something you really enjoy? Well, we have discovered, that one perfect something. I just yesterday posted some random thoughts in my Bible study blog about the Book of Colossians, and Pauls ideas of filling up what is lacking in the work of Christ. As most of you well know we have started working @ a local church as youth pastor. (I continue to say we, because even though I am by title their youth guy, Jeni is the brains and the Beauty of the entire deal.) I am just keeping my fingers crossed they do not figure this out between now and the vote on the 20th. Keep praying for us as we feel like this is a done deal, the church does have to vote.

We both have enjoyed the students so much, they are a varied group with ages from 19 and > but we have clicked with them, I over heard one of the girls saying to Jeni last night you guys seem like you have been here for ever. (when its really only been 2 Nights).

About Yesterday – Yes for those who called and sang happy birthday to my voice mail I am very grateful, (and Jessi, its ok you couldn’t sing in a different language). I had a wonderful Day – Jeni and I celebrated on Tuesday night she cooked two of my favorite dishes, Banana pudding and chicken & dumplings. She bought me several wonderful gifts, one of which I will use every single morn and then again about Five ( and electric razor). YES YES, but ON Wednesday I actually worked from 05:30 till 1200 at the Coffee shop and then finished up every thing for the Youth. Things are going so well, and I can say that the Lord is using us in some amazing ways right her and now.

Monday, August 07, 2006

So the weekend went in all sorts of different directions. First Let me say there was a lot of work and a lot of prayer that went through the past 3 or 4 days. Let me being with

Friday: we are both praying about the opportunity at Plum Creek Baptist Church, simply seeking the Lord and his will for us in our future Journey. I had to work Friday at the coffee shop, and we were planning to have deserts with the Neely family. (The pastor of the local church plant that we have been involved with the past few months :corssinglouisville) We had an tremendous time just talking and hanging out with them both, talking about marriage and Family events.

Saturday: We had the morning before we both had our respected events to attend to, so we watched the movie V for Vendetta. A very good movie if you are looking for something edgy and political. I had to be at the coffee shop around 1400, and Jeni had to work the food drive at Life Bridge. It was the normal day at the shop, until the cell phone rang. I was in the middle of taking a order, but by the prefix of the phone number I knew it was some one from the Church. (If you missed the last post about the interview on Monday, I spoke with a Local church about the possibility of being their Youth Pastor). So they were calling. (ring ring) my heart stopped I knew what it was I answered quickly and walked to the back stock room so I could talk. DB? Is this DB yes, this is Tina with Plum Creek Baptist Church, and we want to call you to be our youth pastor. Thud, I dropped the phone…. Tina I am sorry could you repeat that I didn’t understand you, my heart was racing, “Did She say what I thought, NO!” “DB we want to call you to be our youth pastor”, and then the flood of thoughts. She continued by asking me if I would be interested in coming out on Sunday night for a meet and greet with the youth and the youth council.

I was ready to bust I couldn’t hold it in, I called Jeni, I sent a text message. “Why will she not answer her phone. I wound up driving over to South East, and finding Jeni in the warehouse working with the volunteer group at the food drive.

Jeni said “what are you doing here” I received a phone call, and well they want us to be their pastor! She was so happy it was, just great.

The rest of the evening at work I was completely worthless. I was talking with friends and family telling ever one what was going on. Would I be able to sleep that was the final thing. I was so excited about Sunday that I didn’t think I would ever be able to go to sleep.

Sunday morning began very early: Jeni asked me to go with her to work at the food drive? Sure I agreed what else would I do – stay at home thinking about the evening. It was a lot of fun working with some of the Volunteers that Jeni has talked about on several occasions. I some how jumped in with the unloading of the trucks, backing them in and the folding of bags. Hold on let me explain this a bit more, ever three months the Church that Jeni works for has a food drive. The members all bring a bag of every day house hold items including but not limited to food. They leave this bag of said goods in front of their car as they attend worship. While they are attending one of the four service we have men and women who drive around and pick up all these items with pick up trucks, drive them over to us and we unload and sort them in the Life Bridge facility.

Enough about that, So we did finish the food drive, and I needed a nap I was so tired from little sleep the night before. We grabbed lunch and headed home to take a power nap before going to meet the youth at Plum Creek Church.

It was a great evening we really connected with all of the guys who were there, I even discovered all of their nick names in the first greeting. I had a great time getting to know every one, and Jeni had some really good conversations with the girls. There is one mother there who is determined to know what DB stands for, its almost funny to watch the game play out as there have been about 100 guesses. Well long story short of the evening, we are going back on Wednesday evening and I will be teaching the lesson, We will be presented to the church on Sunday morning, and then by church bylaws they must wait one week before the can vote on us as youth pastor. So it will be August 20th before any thing is official, but based on every conversation and on the reaction of the parents and youth, it is a done deal we are going to have such a wonderful fall. Takes me bake about 10 years……

Friday, August 04, 2006

Jeni and I are apart of a small group that gathers every Friday morning to pray for the land of Afghanistan that has been placed on our hearts. This group is very flexible for there is always some one who is traveling or doing something fun and exciting. Tina and Jody, when they are in town will join us, and the rest of the group comes as their secludes will allow.

Today was a little different I rushed over to the "Missions House" to start the coffee, because our early bird Ron would no doubt not be there seeing how he had just finished surgery (@ Cure Hospital in Afghanistan) and only made it home to the US yesterday.

So the coffee brewed and one by one the group collected. Have I said what a blessing they are, I know they are diligent in prayer, and it is nice to be apart of such a group. And to know that they pray even for us as we prepare for ministry.

When Jeni first told me about this group, and how praying with them on Friday morning had affected the way she prays for the Afghan people I was interested so I joined her and I have found her encouragement to true. When you hear the prayers being lifted up, you are humbled to be apart of such a work, and to know that God is pleased with our time together as we encourage, lift up and intercede for others.

The rest of my week has been just as eventful - for those who have been looking for me to update HERE GOES:

Monday: I had a job interview @ Plum Creek Baptist Church in Taylorsville KY just 25 Minutes outside of Louisville. They asked a lot of good questions, and seemed very interested in our background with ministry. Jeni and I both prayed about this as we drove home from the interview. Know that the Lord has a sovereign hand in our lives and we know that He will open the right doors for us as we are intended to walk through them.

Tuesday: I worked at the coffee shop, and read some in the Old Testament Searching for a city name? (More to come about that in the future)

Wed: This was my first morning shift working at the Coffee shop, and wow I loved it. Very fast, and active the people were mostly friendly and I enjoyed the way the morning flew by. I was home by 1400 and took a small nap, before spending the evening with my beautiful BRIDE. Watching V for Vendetta, with Natalie Portman and Hugo Weaving. A great movie if you are thinking about flick form Block Buster this weekend.

Thursday to be honest was a bit of a wash, I just did a few loads of cloths and read a book while Jeni worked. Not very much fun. Right: ?!!!!!