So the weekend went in all sorts of different directions. First Let me say there was a lot of work and a lot of prayer that went through the past 3 or 4 days. Let me being with

Friday: we are both praying about the opportunity at Plum Creek Baptist Church, simply seeking the Lord and his will for us in our future Journey. I had to work Friday at the coffee shop, and we were planning to have deserts with the Neely family. (The pastor of the local church plant that we have been involved with the past few months :corssinglouisville) We had an tremendous time just talking and hanging out with them both, talking about marriage and Family events.
Saturday: We had the morning before we both had our respected events to attend to, so we watched the movie V for Vendetta. A very good movie if you are looking for something edgy and political. I had to be at the coffee shop around 1400, and Jeni had to work the food drive at Life Bridge. It was the normal day at the shop, until the cell phone rang. I was in the middle of taking a order, but by the prefix of the phone number I knew it was some one from the Church. (If you missed the last post about the interview on Monday, I spoke with a Local church about the possibility of being their Youth Pastor). So they were calling. (ring ring) my heart stopped I knew what it was I answered quickly and walked to the back stock room so I could talk. DB? Is this DB yes, this is Tina with Plum Creek Baptist Church, and we want to call you to be our youth pastor. Thud, I dropped the phone…. Tina I am sorry could you repeat that I didn’t understand you, my heart was racing, “Did She say what I thought, NO!” “DB we want to call you to be our youth pastor”, and then the flood of thoughts. She continued by asking me if I would be interested in coming out on Sunday night for a meet and greet with the youth and the youth council.
I was ready to bust I couldn’t hold it in, I called Jeni, I sent a text message. “Why will she not answer her phone. I wound up driving over to South East, and finding Jeni in the warehouse working with the volunteer group at the food drive.
Jeni said “what are you doing here” I received a phone call, and well they want us to be their pastor! She was so happy it was, just great.
The rest of the evening at work I was completely worthless. I was talking with friends and family telling ever one what was going on. Would I be able to sleep that was the final thing. I was so excited about Sunday that I didn’t think I would ever be able to go to sleep.
Sunday morning began very early: Jeni asked me to go with her to work at the food drive? Sure I agreed what else would I do – stay at home thinking about the evening. It was a lot of fun working with some of the Volunteers that Jeni has talked about on several occasions. I some how jumped in with the unloading of the trucks, backing them in and the folding of bags. Hold on let me explain this a bit more, ever three months the Church that Jeni works for has a food drive. The members all bring a bag of every day house hold items including but not limited to food. They leave this bag of said goods in front of their car as they attend worship. While they are attending one of the four service we have men and women who drive around and pick up all these items with pick up trucks, drive them over to us and we unload and sort them in the Life Bridge facility.
Enough about that, So we did finish the food drive, and I needed a nap I was so tired from little sleep the night before. We grabbed lunch and headed home to take a power nap before going to meet the youth at Plum Creek Church.
It was a great evening we really connected with all of the guys who were there, I even discovered all of their nick names in the first greeting. I had a great time getting to know every one, and Jeni had some really good conversations with the girls. There is one mother there who is determined to know what DB stands for, its almost funny to watch the game play out as there have been about 100 guesses. Well long story short of the evening, we are going back on Wednesday evening and I will be teaching the lesson, We will be presented to the church on Sunday morning, and then by church bylaws they must wait one week before the can vote on us as youth pastor. So it will be August 20th before any thing is official, but based on every conversation and on the reaction of the parents and youth, it is a done deal we are going to have such a wonderful fall. Takes me bake about 10 years……