Wednesday, January 31, 2007

I am talking with a few friends to day in my World Religions Class at southern and one of the guys was talking about his clip he had seen on TV.... (Click the Play button)

The add has the guy posed as a Sikh- Sikh's Number approximately 23 million worldwide; over 60 percent of Sikhs live in the Indian. The Reason I laughed at the clip is the belief they "Sikhs". They believe if you are a good person and keep the "5 K's" you can reach a state of Utopia. Killing something is not a good thing... ha ha


Monday, January 29, 2007

Weekends as a Pastor (or the wife of a Pastor)

Some of you have gathered by now that our little family unit can be a very dramatic. Well let me just share with why that is so much fun. Those of you who know Jeni "Hardin" Wright, this will come as no surprise. She is a laugher and lover and MOST importantly a Dancer. What does this have to do with being a Pastors WIFE. (of a small Southern Baptist Church). Well Let me first rewind ...

Saturday, The Staff @ Plum Creek (that would be the Senior Pastor and my self) had decided to offer a leadership training event. So the planning the power points the photo copy's and every thing had to be prepared. I brought in a Guy from a Larger YOUTH ministry and allowed him the time to speak with my adult leaders. We are planning to branch out in our student ministry and offer events, worship and bible study for both middle school and High school, and I need people to share the vision.

So Mike, comes in and is sharing several of the new ideas, and I look over and Jeni is holding a newborn baby, (about 5 weeks old) she is rubbing on him loving on him and all the while I am thinking ok here comes the ideas.... ha ha We had a great Saturday talking with several of the parents and other adults in our group who would like to be involved with the future plans and ministry.

SUNDAY : Jeni wakes up Dancing,singing and running through the house just happy as always, talking about all the great new ideas she wants to share. I thing she might have been happy about the blueberry pancakes I had for her when she woke up. But we had an amazing day ahead of us. Worship that morning and YOUTH lead service Sunday Night. We have a great group of students, and believe it or not there is Jeni in the middle of a bunch of youth sing worship songs. (in our Southern Baptist Church) Dancing. I couldnt help but smile. She is just the best, she had the girls sing and laughing. While I was off in the back of the room fretting over my notes. The service went well, and I offered a guideline to the Lords Prayer. The FCC of the Christian Faith "PRAYER". (notes will follow on my Bible Study)

We had the youth over Sunday evening to play board games and even in the 9 degree weather I loaded the grill down with burgers.


Friday, January 26, 2007

Several different mornings this week
Jeni has woke up expecting snow.... as you can see we have not really had any snow to account to much. Every Morning Jeni lays in bead listening for the school bus, and Each morning she says well must not have snowed to much.... (this isn't just a heave frost it was really snowing)

The weekend is coming full swing this week. Tonight is Home Coming @ the local High school, and Saturday Jeni and I are offering a Leadership training day for our workers, and future Youth workers.

This Sunday Night, is a Youth Lead worship service. Several of our young adults will lead in worship, and I am Preaching. (FYI -my Bible Study has been updated)

Thursday, January 25, 2007

The Following Post was written by a dear friend of ours while she was visiting a country in Central Asia.... Take a minute to think about how others experience life. (some names have been changed, because I didn't ask before posting this)

It must be about 33 or 34 degrees. Snow is falling gently, melting as soon as it touches down. I think there is at least 3 inches of mud everywhere. We pull off the road and go up a deeply rutted drive toward bombed out buildings. There is a group of grim-faced men standing to greet us. Children with hair standing on end, faces, hands and feet black with grime peek around their legs to get a better look. Stoic-looking women stand silently in a group at a distance. Watching. Waiting.

We know we're here to distribute of 5 kgs of butter and 50 kgs of flour to an IDP camp of 45 families. We have no idea exactly what that means until this minute.

As we try to navigate getting out of the vehicles without stepping into puddles over our ankles, feeling like the mud is up to our knees we see the families waiting for us. We're struck dumb by their living conditions.

In front of us is a long narrow building with a hall down the center and rooms off to each side. No glass in the windows. No doors in the doorways. William asks me if I want to go in and I don't. Oh, I so badly don't, but something – someone – greater than I propels me forward and I am putting one foot in front of the other in spite of myself. I can't get in easily as it's about a 2 foot step up. My skirt is too narrow and the slope has become a muddy shute. William takes my hand and hoists me up. I duck under a plastic bag for a door and I'm in. It's very dim but I can see enough to side step the feces on the floor. Looks like a child with a sick stomach didn't quite make it outside. It smells dirty and wet. The cement floor is slick with mud and condensation.

We walk down the hall and are invited into one of the rooms where a teenager is lying under thick covers. His mom begs us to take a look at him.

His bladder is emptying through a whole in his side, which is covered with a plastic shopping bag to keep him dry. His ultrasound results are thrust into my hand by his desperate looking mother, all his meds brought out for us to see. I ask if this is a recent injury and his mom says he was born this way. He's 15. In 15 years no one has been able to help this boy?

They show us the firewood we brought last week, thanking us profusely. It's not enough to last more than a week or so more. I ask if we can pray with them and they eager. I have no idea what I prayed.

We walk out through another "door" passing through a room with another family. Babies are sitting on the floor wet and crying. I'm bent on escaping and duck out the low door just as quickly as I can.

Outside all I can do is look at William who is looking back at me with eyes equally as sad. We don't say a word.
The distribution is finished now and our guys stand in a huddle along with the men of the camp and talk. Mohammad Khan exhorts the young men to go out and find jobs. We listen to their needs: running water, latrines are the most basic. Now they must cross a major highway and walk up the side of a mountain to a public pump and carry water home.

There are some soldiers standing in the crowd (this is a military installment – once a training camp for Taliban – we bombed it) and we don't know the families that well so we decide to tell them that we are praying for them but not to pray with them at that moment. They are eager for our prayers.

We get back into our vehicles. William is driving ours. He gets behind the wheel and just sits there as if he's forgotten what he needs to do next. It's deadly silent, if we talk its in hushed tones. William looks over his shoulder at me in the back seat and asks me to pray. God have mercy on this camp is about all that would come out. I'm glad the Spirit intercedes for us.

I just want someone to hold me tight and by osmosis take away some of this profound grief. I always thought that hell was hot. Now I think it must be cold, muddy, wet…


Wednesday, January 24, 2007

To all of you who checked on the blog the past few days - You noticed I was trying my hand @ some new items. Well I have come to realize that My days of html are not very good. One problem here one problem there. Programing is a headache, and I am thinking there is a good reason it is a Major in College. I believe that I will go back to the Books, and dig through the history trying to understand more of what the old Bible is about. (I might talk my parents into paying for another BS degree in computer science some day) Just kidding, Jeni and I have completely recovered from all the elements that decided to make her sick. She has been back to work this week, and I am gearing up for Southern.

I do realize that I have talked about School in the past few post, well its one of those moments you have to build tooooo. Sure its great, having a wife that supports the family, and I get to go to class. Although it can some times be cumbersome books books books.

For all of you who like to Read, I am going to Start back on the Bible Study. I am giving UP for now on the program items, and I will start posting more of my sermon notes on the other blog page..... You can find this link under OUR RESOURCES on the left column of this page.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Some one Once said to me "Life is what happens when you're making plans" ... I often think that is true. Life in Taylorsville has become very normal to us as we enjoy our little community, and worship with the believers on Sunday. Jeni is enjoying her Job at LifeBridge, and often tells me of people that were ministered to though the volunteers, and there is no doubt that God has use here in ways she doesn't even know. "LifeBridge" is a ministry of Southeast Christian Church that offers people help with Clothing, Food, Furniture, and even some Bills.

I had shared a few days ago that the health factor of the Wright house hold was grim, well it seems that all is better thanks to 600MG of
omnicef every day. It seems that we have both gotten rid of what every was making Jeni jan feel so badly. (if you missed the previous post Jeni came down with strep throat just after Christmas, and we are just now getting rid of it.) Thank goodness she didnt decide to shoot me.

I am very excited to say that Class is about to start once again @ Southern Seminary and I have my normal class load planned out again. Even though I do really enjoy school it can some times be overpowering, so begin to pray for us as I will start my classes Jan 29


DB and Jeni

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Have you every talked with some one and walked away with so many new Ideas that you thought you head might expand with force and create a very loud noise because of rapid chemical change from all the random new things.

Yes, I though it would Explode, POP, become thousands of little pieces. (ok so I am being a little dramatic, it comes with the family) But I had lunch with a new Friend today and he was such a fresh breath of air with Ideas, examples of how to develop, my youth Group deeper (spiritually) and wider (numerically).

Often when asked what it is I enjoy doing in my Free time - I have been know as the Reader, or Hiker.... well can I say there are so many different youth books, and fare to little time to attempt reading and collecting the right perspective. Our Group @ Plum Creek is about to grow in numbers and we must begin to develop the leadership in order to see effective ministry take place.

What is Effective Ministry: To Teach People to Know God .
To Grow in their Passion with HIM.
To Give to others in their Community.

Mike (the guy I had lunch with today) continued to express the ideas of how vision casting and the importance of reminding people of the Goal we are working toward..... and it set me thing about a thousand things (thus the head exploding). This was the same idea that Iacocca had when creating one of the most celebrated chimerical turnarounds in American business History. Keep the vision before the people. Funny I remember a few Guys in the Old Testament that did the same thing... Ezra and Nehemiah.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Youth Ministry is the BEST....

Yesterday was not just a normal Saturday for Plum Creek Baptist. There was 6 of us who took the day and went to the BassPro Shop in New Albany IN. The event was hosted by a Group called SOE (Student Outdoor Experience) The youth were given the chance to hear Dr. Jay Strack speak about their obligation to VISSION as a leader in their Home School and Community.

Each Youth had the opportunity to visit different departments within the Bass ProShop to listen to a Pro on Deer Hunting, Fishing, Turkey Hunting and others....

Jeni Jan - was still not feeling well and enjoyed her day about the House cleaning watching TV and enjoy a book. She has become a bit of a home body the past few weeks attempting to feel better. (The Reason Jeni is still sick... Here Evil husband had the nerve to give her strep throat again for the second time this year... if she doesn't get better soon She is planning to kill him, or her the verdict is still out.. so pray for me.. db...ha ha)


Monday, January 01, 2007

While in Hilton Head SC We had the opportunity to drive to Savannah Ga.

I have included a few our the sights we enjoyed on our Driving tour, and Yes I did Find Jeni kissing this guy .....