Twitter is a very simple way of keeping up with the little details watch this Video to see how.
A few things to note - 1. pay careful attention to your text message plan on your cell phone, as this service will offer to send you messages via your phone. 2. You may also update or read your profile online @ account name) OR as Jeni and I have come to love - we have added a RSS Tab that we manage our account as well as EB's
Yes, Yes, I know - RSS is another new idea - hold on let me find a video.......
Some places that provide RSS Readers include:
* Netvibes (DB and Jenis fav)
* Google Reader (another ok reader)
* illumio (not a fav of mine but another well recognized)
If you chose to set up a Netvibes page you can feel free to email me any questions regarding setup or use. Also if you added twitter you can automatically add content in your netvibes page and bring your info in just like your email.
Twitter accounts you might like:
* dbthedoulos (DB's random daily thoughts
*Jeniwright (Jeni's journey of mommyhood)
*EBwright (well - need I say any thing)
*willcmars (a very good poet)
(Added note - netvibes saves you SO MUCH TIME - Jeni VERY HIGHLY recommends using this - and Jeni is not the most technologically advanced of all people, although she is coming along quite nicely...)