Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Do you ever wonder what we are doing between the long periods of time that we post a new blog article?

Twitter is a very simple way of keeping up with the little details watch this Video to see how.

A few things to note - 1. pay careful attention to your text message plan on your cell phone, as this service will offer to send you messages via your phone. 2. You may also update or read your profile online @ account name) OR as Jeni and I have come to love - we have added a RSS Tab that we manage our account as well as EB's

Yes, Yes, I know - RSS is another new idea - hold on let me find a video.......

Some places that provide RSS Readers include:
* Netvibes (DB and Jenis fav)
* Google Reader (another ok reader)
* illumio (not a fav of mine but another well recognized)

If you chose to set up a Netvibes page you can feel free to email me any questions regarding setup or use. Also if you added twitter you can automatically add content in your netvibes page and bring your info in just like your email.

Twitter accounts you might like:
* dbthedoulos (DB's random daily thoughts
*Jeniwright (Jeni's journey of mommyhood)
*EBwright (well - need I say any thing)
*willcmars (a very good poet)

(Added note - netvibes saves you SO MUCH TIME - Jeni VERY HIGHLY recommends using this - and Jeni is not the most technologically advanced of all people, although she is coming along quite nicely...)
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Monday, May 26, 2008

This has been a fun weekend! EB has enjoyed playing with her Daddy non-stop! Saturday we relaxed all morning and then took EB to Waterfront Park. We walked and walked around downtown Louisville and ended up eating dinner on 4th street. Then home with a zonked out EB so mommy and daddy could watch National Treasure Book of Secrets. I must say, cheesy though it is, I really liked this movie!
Yesterday we went to Sojourn and heard another great sermon on Romans. Lunch with Karey Kilgore, followed by a cookout and fun evening at the King family's newly built and almost finished house - top it all off with beautiful weather and you couldn't hope for a better day!
Added note: Sunday's really mess EB up. Until the last two weeks she just slept through everything. Now she is excited to be around new people and new places and you can't get the little girl to sleep for anything! Next week...da da daaaaa...EB goes to the nursery! Believe it or not, I have been pushing for this for a while now, but DB likes to hold her during church. Now that she is a wiggly worm, things must change....

During the 8:00 Feeding tonight DB discovered that Little Bit is a Drama Queen.

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Sunday, May 25, 2008

The following was sent to me in an email from a family member in K-town. I couldn't stop laughing....

Due to the popularity of the Survivor shows, we're planning to do our own show entitled

"Survivor: Tennessee Style."

The contestants will start in Bristol, travel down to Morristown and on to Knoxville. From there they will head over to Athens then Chattanooga. They will then proceed north to Nashville then east through Cookeville, Crossville, Kingston, back through Knoxville and hit I-81 all the way back to Bristol.

Each will be driving a pink Volvo with Florida license plates and several large bumper stickers that read:

"I'm Gay and Dale Earnhart was my lover"
"NASCAR Sucks"
"Go Bama"
"Copenhagen is for Idiots"
"Barrack in 2008"
"Deer Hunting is Murder"
"Say No to Budweiser"
"I'm Here to Confiscate Your Guns"
"Go Gators."

The first one to make it back to Bristol alive wins.

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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

From the loss of a finger to the clothing malfunction EB has had an eventful week! Her mother has really enjoyed being a stay @ home mom. Today I got really excited to come home and play with EB on her 3 month mark in the world. Little did I know! She has started talking?!? As you will see in the video she hasn’t quite mastered holding up her head – but she certainly lets us know her opinion.

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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

EB Has a New Trick!

The first time it happened I thought it was because I had not managed to hook her diaper tight enough. When it happened a second time, I began to think she had done it on purpose, especially because she was smiling and laughing at me.

Here is what I know - how it happened will probably always remain a mystery. EB is playing on a blanket on the floor, and for a few minutes sounds a bit unhappy - then she is back to talking in a normal, happy tone. I look over, and her diaper is around her knees - she is smiling, her clothes and the blanket are soaked, and her diaper is dry. Hmmm...

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Friday, May 16, 2008

Day Three Staying at Home with EB: Injuring My Child

Yes, that's right. Every mother's fear has been realized in me, Jeni Wright. After EB's 7:00 bottle this morning, I decided to brave the ever daunting task of cutting my daughter's fingernail. I have been putting this off for so long now EB's fingernails are long enough to provide a canvas for the second painting of the Sistine Chapel. On the fourth fingernail, EB's mouth turned down and her lower lip popped out and her face turned bright red and after ten seconds of silent ranting, the loud, violent wailing started. My poor little baby girl! I hugged her to me while she cried and cried for what seemed like forever - but was actually about 2 minutes. The next thing I know, I see her smiling through my tears...uh, I mean....her tears. (No way am I such a softy that I would cry harder than she did). After calling DB and a quick debate about whether or not she needed to go to the hospital, I wrapped her hand tightly in a green bib and decided to wait it out.
Now she is playing on her RRRoaring Fun Play Gym and keeps looking at her hand as if she is trying to remember why it has this big bib wrapped around it. Is the short term memory of a baby the same as Dory on Finding Nemo? Whatever the case, she is fine, and maybe one day I will finish cutting her itty bitty fingernails. Now that the worst has happened, it can only go uphill from here, right?

I am also curious to know how many of you mother, fathers, grandparents, aunts and uncles have maimed your child in a similar way. PLEASE share a comment and make me feel better, okay?
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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Today is the first day of my new lifestyle staying at home with EB. It is a bit bitter sweet - leaving my job at Sozo International, a job I loved with people I love, but very exciting to think I can spend this time with precious Baby Blaine. I mean, who wouldn't want to stay home with this little girl? I am sad to no longer have this connection with what is going on in Afghanistan, but I plan to continue volunteering with them and taking part in anyway I can.

As most of you know, this has been a pretty difficult time for our little family, as our whole life plan has changed in the last three months. Things have settled a bit recently, we have moved and are settled in (sort of), DB has a job that he really enjoys, and today is my first day in my favorite job yet! EB's feet are doing good - she is happy and sweet and wonderful! Maybe one day we will be back on track and headed toward Central Asia, but in the meantime, we are seeking God and trying to figure out what He has for us here and now. One day soon I will post about the myriad of thing He is teaching us and revealing to us about Himself through this. In the meantime, know that we are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and most of, we are thankful for this adorable little girl!

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Thursday, May 08, 2008

Research that reveals new paths to productivity
Recently I have fallen back into my evil habit of writing a to do list and then ignoring it because I don’t think I can get it done. I know from past experience that the best way out of this rut is to read research about productivity. Even if I don’t act on the research, taking the time to think about productivity inspires me to be more true to my to do list.

1. Pay attention on Wednesdays and Thursdays. ...

2. Stop obsessing over your choices and just decide....

3. Go to church... (this was really interesting)

4. Put a treadmill in your office...

( This is a great blog post you should read the rest of from Brazen Careerist)

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Saturday, May 03, 2008

Thanks Honey for the bows and bloomers! Now Baby Blaine can wear her dresses without her diaper hanging out! She was feeling embarrassed about being so unladylike. (Bloomers were impossible because of the bar between her shoes, but Honey, otherwise known as Jane, sewed snaps up both sides of a few pairs). She LOVES all of her bows and looks forward to wearing a different one with every outfit!

In other news, thanks to Carree and Sophie for the shoutout to EB on their blog. EB had a nice time hanging out with the Stewart girls this week. Carree is such a good mommy, and Sophie is such a sweet little girl - I hope EB learns a lot form her!

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